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Lo, C.Y., Zendel, B.R., Baskent, D., Boyle, C., Coffey, E., Gagne, N., Habibi, A., Harding, E., Keijzer, M., Kreutz, G., Schurig, E., Sharma, M., Dang, C., Gilmore, S., Henshaw, H., McKay, C., Good, A., Russo, F. (2024). Speech-in-noise, psychosocial, and heart rate variability outcomes of group singing or audiobook club interventions for older adults with unaddressed hearing loss: a SingWell Project multisite, randomized controlled trial, registered report protocol. PLoS-One. 19(12): e0314473


Satkunarajah, P., Power, S.D., & Zendel, B.R. (2024). Decoding musical timbre perception from single-trial EEG data. IEEE Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, 3, 2016-2020.


​Ahmadi, Z., Duquette-Laplante, F., Kousaie, S., Zendel, B.R.., Koravand, A. (2024). Temporal and fronto-central auditory evoked responses in children with neurodevelopmental disorders: a scoping review. NeuroSci, 5(4), 674–692.


Sauvé, S.A., Satkunarajah, P., Cooke, S., Demirkaplan, Ö, Follett, A., & Zendel, B.R. (2024) Age and familiarity effects on musical memory. PLoS-One, 19(7): e0305969.


Nunes-Silva, M., Salomé, G., Goncalves, F.L., Janzen, T.B., Zendel, B.R. (2024). Effects of sensory feedback on piano performance errors: An exploratory study. Research Studies in Music Education, 46(3), 456-473. 



Campbell-Enns, H. J., Bornstein, S. B., Hutchings, V., Janzen, M., Kampen, M., O’Brien, K., Rieger, K., Stewart, T., Zendel, B. R. & Doupe, M. (2023). The experiences and needs of unpaid family caregivers for persons living with dementia in rural settings: A qualitative systematic review. PLoS-One, 18(6): e0286548.

Sauvé, S.A., Satkunarajah, P., & Zendel, B.R. (2023). Tracking the emergence of a pitch hierarchy using an artificial grammar requires extended exposure. Frontiers in Cognition, 2(1027259), 1-14.



Sauvé, S.A., Marozeau, J. & Zendel, B.R. (2022). Age and experience-related use of auditory streaming cues. PLoS-One, 17(9): e0274631. 


Sauvé, S.A., Vuvan, D.T. & Zendel, B.R. (2022). Using feedback to manipulate the tonal hierarchy. Canadian Acoustics, 50(3), 58-59.


Sauvé, S.A., Bolt, E.L., Nozaradan, S., & Zendel, B.R. (2022).  Aging effects on neural entrainment to a musical beat. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, 14(848608), 1-16.


Zendel, B.R. (2022). The importance of the motor system in the development of music-based forms of auditory rehabilitation.  Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1-10.


Zendel, B.R., Demirkaplan, O, Mignault-Goulet, G., Peretz, I., (2022). The relationship between acoustic and musical pitch processing in adolescents. International Journal of Developmental Neuroscience, 82, 314-330.




Sauvé, S.A., Cho, A., & Zendel, B.R. (2021). Mapping tonal hierarchy in the brain. Neuroscience 465, 187-202.


Zendel, B.R., Power, B.V, DiDonato, R.M. & Hutchings, V.M. (2021) Memory deficits for health information provided through a telehealth video conferencing system. Frontiers in Psychology 12(604074), 1-7. 





Zendel, B.R. & Alexander, E.J. (2020). Autodidacticism and Music: Do self-taught musicians exhibit the same auditory processing advantages as formally trained musicians? Frontiers in Neuroscience 14(752), 1-15.


Zendel, B.R. & Sauvé, S.A..(2020) Towards music-based auditory rehabilitation for older adults.  In Cuddy, Belleville & Moussard (Eds.), Music and the Aging Brain. (pp. 293-313) Academic Press.


Willoughby, K., Julien, M., Zendel, B. R., & Curran, V. (2020). National survey of Canadian residents and program directors regarding parental leave during residency. Canadian Medical Education Journal, 11(5), 16-30. 





Fleming, D., Belleville, S., Peretz, I., West, G. & Zendel, B.R. (2019) The effects of short-term musical training on the neural processing of speech-in-noise in older adults. Brain and Cognition, 36(103592), 1-12. 


Zendel, B.R., West, G.L., Belleville, S., & Peretz, I. (2019). Music training improves the ability to understand speech-in-noise in older adults. Neurobiology of Aging, 81, 102-115.


Sauvé, S.A., Bolt, E.L.W., Fleming, D. & Zendel, B.R. (2019). The impact of aging on neurophysiological entrainment to a metronome. NeuroReport, 30(10), 730-734.


Bolt, E.L.W., Corbin-Dwyer, S. Buckle, J. & Zendel, B.R. (2019) Does the way individuals die change social views of their death? Perceptions of mode of death. Death Studies, 43(8), 489-99. 


Diarra, M. Zendel, B.R., Benady-Chorney, J., Blanchette, C., Lepore, F, Peretz, I., Belleville, S. & , West, G.L. (2019) Playing Super Mario increases oculomotor inhibition and frontal eye field grey matter in older adults. Experimental Brain Research, 237(3), 723-733.




Vuvan, D.T., Zendel, B.R. & Peretz, I. (2018) Random feedback makes listeners tone-deaf.  Scientific Reports. 8(7283),  1-15.


Lagrois, M.E., Peretz, I. & Zendel, B.R. (2018). Neurophysiological and behavioural differences between older and younger adults when processing violations of tonal structure in music. Frontiers in Neuroscience. 12(54), 1-15.


Royal, I., Zendel, B.R. (joint first author), Desjardins, M.E., Robitaille, N. & Peretz, I. (2018) Modulation of electric brain responses evoked by pitch deviants through transcranial direct current stimulation. Neuropsychologia. 109, 63-74.




West, G.L., Zendel, B.R (joint first author)., Konishi, K., Benady-Chorney, J., Bohbot, V.D., Peretz, I. & Belleville, S. (2017). Supersized: Playing Super Mario 64 increases hippocampal grey matter in older adults. PLOS-One, 12(12): e0187779.


Willoughby, K. & Zendel, B.R. (2017). Hearing and memory deficits in older adults using Telehealth. Canadian Acoustics. 45(3), 188-189.


Power, B.V. & Zendel, B.R. (2017). The impact of dialect on the ability to understand speech-in-noise. Canadian Acoustics. 45(3), 192-193.




Zendel, B.R., de Boysson, C., Mellah, S., Démonet, J.F. & Belleville, S. (2016). The impact of attentional training on event-related potentials in older adults. Neurobiology of Aging. 47, 10-22.


Royal, I., Vuvan, D., Zendel, B.R., Robitaille, N., Schönwiesner, M. & Peretz, I. (2016).  Activation in the right inferior parietal lobule reflects the representation of musical structure beyond simple pitch discrimination. PLOS-One. 11(5), e0155291. 




Zendel, B.R., Lagrois, M.E., Robitaille, N. & Peretz, I. (2015). Attending to pitch information inhibits processing of pitch information: The curious case of amusia. Journal of Neuroscience. 35(9), 3815-3824. 


Zendel, B.R., Tremblay, C.D., Bellville, S. & Peretz, I. (2015). The impact of musicianship on cortical mechanisms related to separating speech from background noise. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 27(5), 1044-1059.




Alain, C. & Zendel, B.R. (2014). Use it or lose it: Hearing abilities are preserved in older musicians. Canadian Audiologist. 1(3). 


Zendel, B.R. & Alain, C. (2014). Enhanced attention-dependent activity in the auditory cortex of older musicians.  Neurobiology of Aging. 35(1), 55-63.


Alain, C., Zendel, B.R., Hutka, S. & Bidleman, G. (2014). Turning down the noise: The benefit of musical training on the aging auditory brain. Hearing Research. 308, 162-173.




Zendel, B.R., Willoughby, K.A., & Rovet, J.F. (2013). Neuroplastic effects of music lessons on hippocampal structure in children with congenital hypothyroidism. Neuroreport. 24(17), 947-950. 


Zendel, B.R. & Alain, C. (2013).  The influence of lifelong musicianship on neurophysiological measures of concurrent sound segregation. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 25(4), 503-516. 




Zendel, B.R. & Alain, C. (2012). Musicians experience less age-related decline in auditory processing. Psychology and Aging, 27(2), 410-417.


Zendel, B.R., Ross, B. & Fujioka, T. (2012) Reply to commentary on "The effects of stimulus rate and tapping rate on tapping performance". Music Perception. 29(4), 449-450.

2011 and earlier


Zendel, B.R., Ross, B. & Fujioka, T. (2011).  The effects of stimulus rate and tapping rate on tapping performance. Music Perception. 29(1), 65-78. 


Fujioka, T., Zendel, B.R. & Ross, B. (2010). Endogenous neuromagnetic activity for mental hierarchy of timing.  Journal of Neuroscience. 30(9), 3458-3466. 


Zendel, B.R. & Alain, C. (2009). Concurrent sound segregation is enhanced in musicians.  Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience.  21(8), 1488-1498. 


Zendel, B.R., Slawinski, E.B. & Pearson, L. (2003). How music of differing rhythmicities and intensities affects driver performance. Canadian Acoustics. 31(3), 98-100.  


Slawinski, E.B. & Zendel, B.R. (2002).  Age-related changes in car driving. Canadian Acoustics. 30(3), 136-138.

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